Thursday, September 9, 2010

Kiddieland Gone

On June 30, 2010 on what would have been a very busy day at Kiddieland in Melrose Park, the well-known sign was removed. According to staff it took a little over an hour for the girl to come down. The boy was trickier and staff photographer Suzanne Tennant was there to witness it as crews used torches and crow-bars to pry the little fellow from the perch that has been his home since the late 50's. Passer's by stopped to look up while waiting at the lights and some even pulled over to take photos and video. One family from Park Ridge sat for much of the process to watch. Tammy Sako the mother commented, "It's like going to my grandmother's funeral." The Kiddieland lot will be occupied by a Costco but you will still be able to visit the sign thanks to the Melrose Park Historic Society. The sign will be placed somewhere near Village Hall. (Suzanne Tennant/Staff Photographer)

1 comment:

Bill Morton said...

I'm happy to hear that The Little Dipper and the rest of the rides found useful and caring homes.

Even word of the classic Kiddieland sign becoming landmarked and purchased by the township of Maywood is good news.

The fact that the park is closed forever, the buildings demolished and the land developed into a giant Costco... that is the tragedy.

Due to this, I will not be shopping at Costco again.